Portal Features
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As we saw earlier, the Teams application and the Web Portal share a close relationship in their functionalities and features, and the decision regarding which platform to use will primarily depend on the tools available to the organization that will utilize it.
Companies with Microsoft accounts that use Teams as part of their work environment can benefit from in-app notifications, while the Portal offers a more flexible option, accessible to all types of users.
One of the main features of the Web Portal is that it is hosted on its own URL (https://app.rpaconnect.io/portal), and any registered user can log in and access it with their username and password using local account login.
This allows users who do not belong to an organization to also access the forms assigned to them and manage their own submissions.
Within the Portal, the work environment will feature the same tabs and functionalities we covered when exploring Teams, except for the Activity section, as it is exclusively linked to in-app notifications.
Congratulations! You now know how to use the RPA Connect Portal and the Teams application to manage your forms in a more organized, faster, and simpler way.