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Tables are a highly functional and useful tool for creating forms. In addition to offering configuration options for permissions and sorting to facilitate both data entry and processing, they also allow you to adapt the column types to restrict and specify what type of data will be accepted in each case, just as with individual fields.
As we saw earlier, there are tools with a series of unique properties for their type. Let’s look at each of the features you can configure when working with tables:
In this section, you can create the columns you need using the Add column button, as well as hide or show them (eye-shaped icon) and delete them (trash can icon). It is important at this point to define what data you expect to collect so that the entered information is complete, as users will not be able to add new columns or remove existing ones.
This property behaves similarly across all fields, although in this case, you can set the minimum (e.g., 1) and maximum (e.g., 10) number of rows allowed.
In addition to the Readonly and Visibility options, this section includes a series of checkboxes you can select to allow actions or grant permissions to the user. These are:
Show error markers: If enabled, error indicators will be displayed when the entered data does not meet the field validations.
Can Add: Allows the user to add new rows to the table.
Can Delete: Allows the user to delete rows.
Can Sort: Allows the user to sort the rows of a column based on a value (e.g., alphabetically by text).
Can Shrink: Allows the table to adjust its size within the form based on the entered data.
We will analyze in greater detail how this type of element works by adding a new section and incorporating a full-width table. We will define the Label as “Order History” and the Name as “order_history.” In the Validations section, set the minimum number of rows to 1 and the maximum to 10. In Behavior, enable the options Can Add, Can Delete, and Can Sort so that users can add new rows, remove them, and sort the entered data.
Next, go to the Table columns section and add 5 columns. We will use these to allow the user to enter the type of product requested, the number of units, the order code, the request date, and the receipt.
Once you have created the columns, click on the name of the first one to start configuring it. A new panel will open with specific properties for that column. First, set the Name to “order_history_product” and in the Type section, choose the field type as Options, assuming we have a limited number of products for the user to choose from. Click OK to save. Next, set the Label to “Product” and the Size to 3 units.
In the options section, define the values as “Red,” “Green,” and “Blue.” Click Back to return to the table properties.
Now select the second column. Set the Name to “order_history_quantity” and the field type to Number. Its Label will be “Quantity,” and it will have a size of 2 units. Set the Placeholder to “Requested units” and the maximum value to 100.
Return to the table properties to select the third column, which you will name “order_history_code,” and set the field type to Text. Its Label will be “Order Code.” Enable real-time preview and click the "+" sign at the top of the table to add two rows.
Let’s imagine the codes are structured as follows, with the first two letters and the first three numbers always fixed: SP ZYR-30032905BC. This structure can be reproduced using the Prefix and Mask properties. Try configuring this field and then test entering the following codes:
Correct code: SP ATI-30058452YT
Incorrect code: SP RU-8001573PH1
The form should prevent the incorrect data from being entered. Check the parameters below that can be used for code validation:
Set the field size to 3 units and go back to select the fourth column. Set the Name property to “order_history_date” and choose the field type as Date. Its Label will be “Request Date,” and its size will be 2 units.
Finally, go to the table properties and select the last column, which we will name “order_history_receipt.” Set the field type to Attachment, define its Label as “Order Receipt,” and since we have already used 10 of the 12 total width units with the other columns, set its size to 2 units.
Once you have finished, your form should look like the following: